Selasa, 02 April 2013

Tanjungbalai is my lovely town

Assalamu'alaikum Wr...Wb.....

Morning ladies and gentlemen
As a flying start of my speech, Let's send our gratitude by saying Alhamdulillah to the almighty ALLAH SWT, the master of the world.And we must also always send Shalawat and salam to our big Prophet Muhammad SAW, may we can get his hand in the day after doom later.

To the honorable teachers
To the honorable juries
Dear my friends 
Ladies and gentlemen
allow me to be closer with you all. Introducing, I am _______________ from _____________________ Tanjungbalai.
Many people now discuss about the other. They observe about the town they never know before. They talk so far until they forgot about observing,discussing and even looking their own city. Because of that I would like to carry out this title, "Tanjungbalai is my lovely town"

Dear,ladies and gentlemen
Tanjungbalai City is one of towns in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. Its area is 60 km² and the population are about 125,000 souls. The city is located on the banks of Asahan River, the longest river in North Sumatra. It is 4 hours from medan.

I am proud to be a community in tanjungbalai because indeed, this town has some excesses like the  profitable location along coastal sea.it is also as the excess from tanjungbalai as the opened trading place for the traders.Then,We are very good in cultivating the palms, we can see it everywhere in this town. Tanjungbalai is also Rich of the sea food.
Therefore, I say "Tanjungbalai is my lovely town" and let's say " We love tanjungbalai."

Unfortunately ladies and gentlemen
Just stating that we love this town doesnt mean that we know how to love  it. Because for looking the wrong things happened in this town is not very difficult. The drugs issue, Cheating, Crimes and many else. Love is a word that we often do not understand. But in my mind we can cheat how a mother love his son for this. She will love him by, Looking after him, Keeping him far away from the danger, Giving him the best education and many other good things.

So,Ladies and Gentlemen
We can love this town by cheating the mother. Perhaps, we can love it by First , Looking after this town,at least We as the students can look after this town with our achievement. Second, Keeping it far away from the danger, We can do it all, we can do it. We and you all my fellows can keep our selves from drug for example. and the last, giving this town the best name among the others.So, it is harder ladies and gentlemen, for keeping a good name needs an extra attention from all sides. but I believe we can do it.
And,for doing these all of course we have to hand in hand in order to reach the vision and mission we've wanted.

 For the last of my words.I just want to say, Let's love this town ! let's say tanjungbalai is my lovely town. and Love this town by looking after it, Keeping it and Giving it the best things we can.
Finally, For the mistakes I've made, I apologize to ALLAH and please forgive me all.
Wabillahi taufiq walhidayah , assalamu'alaikum Wr....Wb....

Drug and young generation

The Effect of drugs and young generation
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Honorable ones the juries, the participant of English speech contest, and all audiences.
To make a flying start of my speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place and in this precious program. And also I don't forget to deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Drugs? What is that? I am sure you all already know, and may be better than me about what drugs is and what the advantages and disadvantages are. Drugs actually are a medicine for anesthetize patients in surgery. But that perception was misapplied by some people specially by our young generations. Because of that i will try to carry out a speech about “The Effect of drugs and young generation”
Drugs have been misapplied by some people for a long time. Some people which use drugs beyond the medical treatment consider that drugs can make them feel better when they facing some problems and for other reasons such as can make them feel easy to find new brilliant ideas or just for a pleasure.
I am sure you will never forget the newest accident in Tugu Tani, Jakarta, when a drugs user, Apriliani, drived her car with high speed and hit the pedestrians in a halte. It’s  obviously proof that in the effect of drugs, hallucination of the drugs user is bigger than other normal people. They cannot make a distinguish between the real world and the hallucination world and consider all things in around them are like a dream and they was not real.
The effect of drugs is not only dangerous for drugs user it self, with it's big risks such as overdoses,  HIV/AIDS and some  damage in our brain and mental. Drugs also dangerous for the people in surrounding us, such the example above. It opens our eyes that the usage of drugs beyond the medical treatments is profitless. Because drugs just lead us in the destruction for the user it self and for other people surrounding.
I will tell Some effects of drugs that i know ladies and gentlemen.
1. They forget social protocol;
2. Making violence in society;
3. Always remain bad tempered;
4. Feel they are always in the right;
5. They do not want to hear any advice;
6. Count themselves as very aware and competent;
7. Sometimes they feel frustrated ;
8. And even lose the will to live;
Dear ladies and gentlemen
But it is so sad, if we hear many young generation consume the drugs such as Heroin, cokain, Koplo, dextron, extacy, marijuana , just to be drunk, to get enjoyment, to get satisfaction, without think their future, they only think the temporary pleasure.
As moslems we have the guidance from the holy qur’an that drinking alcoholic drink is forbiden, and it is bad action, and despicable deed in (almaidah verse : 90
Because the drugs or the alcoholic drink is so dangerous for our health, for our body, for our future. So we must keep a way from it. we must avoid it. I ask my self and you for the young generation. Don’t try to consume it, don’t try to sell or dont even try to buy it.
Those are what I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for your attention and I ask forgiveness for my mistakes to ALLAH and please forgive me, and the last I say:
WasalamualaikumWarahmatullahi Wabarakatu